Pantz’s Blog Circle

{March 29, 2008}   Gay Patch. Homo to Hetero

Last night I watched Medical Mysteries on 20/20. One of the medical mysteries was about children being born gay and how it might be possible to tell when they’re still in the womb.

There were two families they showed last night whose sons showed early signs of being gay. One woman showed home footage of her son and how flamboyant he was at such a young age. (six) I saw the video myself and could clearly see the femininity in him. (throwing his arms up like a girl, running and walking like a girl) He also wanted to play female roles with his mom. I know not every boy who shows feminine traits will be gay, but this is one of the signs.

Scientists as you know have not discovered this so called gay gene, but I’m confident that ’something’ will turn up. If not a gay gene, a full proof explanation as to why ’some’ people are gay (we know some choose the lifestyle)

Yeah, I know a lot of you religious folks are too ’boxed’ in to understand how someone could be born gay. You can’t wrap the concept around your brains because you have been taught for so long that homosexuality is wrong. I have news for you, a lot of what you’ve been taught is FALSE! (astrology, voodoo, Jesus, and the list goes on)

If you could step outside of that box for a moment and weigh all the facts, you can clearly see that something isn’t right. You will see that not EVERY person chooses to be gay. Why would a child at six want to dress up like a girl, play with dolls, wear dresses, etc??

You don’t want to believe. It goes against what you’ve been ’taught’ to believe. I understand all that. I used to be ’boxed’ in once too.

At one time I too believed that homosexuality was evil. It wasn’t until I saw a child grow up to be gay right before my eyes. I met this child at nine and saw signs of homosexuality in him (was too feminine , was afraid of getting hit with a ball for sports, didn’t take interest in girls) Well he’s now out of the closet and I’m sure he’s relieved.

I also have a cousin who’s now about five (he’s a twin) and he acts feminine. He wants to wear girl panties and has an interest in pocketbooks. Hmm…is he going to hell?

gay deers matingI’m not sure if the average person is aware, but animals in the wild (some) have homosexual tendencies in them. 

If an animal can be born gay, why can’t a human? (some say gay animals is a myth)

How did animals become gay? Did they learn it from humans?

Of course not!

Isn’t it fair to say the environment plays a role?

Zoologist, biologists, etc are trying to keep this under the rug. (some) It’s not to be spoken of.

What are people so afraid of?

Hypothetical Question:

Let’s say for argument’s sake it was discovered people were born gay. If it could be detected if a child is going to be gay or not while in the womb and a patch (the woman would wear while pregnant) could reverse the child’s sexual orientation (homosexual to heterosexual), would you agree to the patch?



Great post Pantz. I for one do not believe that God created any mistakes. As for Jesus and the Bible, I can’t undertand how people have taken his words on this and made them the greatest sin of all. (Well I guess some people think murder is worse.)
I raised my kids, one male, one female, that I didn’t care what gender or color person they commited their lives to, as long as they loved and were loved.
Welcome aboard!

P.s. i am adding you to my blogroll 🙂

pantz says:

thanx Psy. I’ve added you already:-)

godmademehomo says:

Firstly Id like to ask two things.
Is your sexuality a lifestyle?
Did you choose your sexuality?
Im sure most heterosexuals will answer no to both questions. In the same way gay/bisexual/transgender people also do not choose. Homosexuality is a biological urge as much as heterosexuality is.
People who are heterosexual and then choose to live their life as gay werent exclusively heterosexual to begin with. They were bisexual and suppressing and/or denying their true sexuality.
Why the hell would any sane person choose to be a part of what are sadly still the most hated minority groups in todays society?(well in some backward countries anyway)
They wouldnt choose this.
I have never been able to understand how some religious groups claim to be preaching Gods word yet what they preach is nothing more than narrow minded hatred and fear. If Jesus really did ever exist, the bigotry and lies that these people preach is far far removed from his true teachings.
The animal kingdom of which we are apart is diverse in many ways including sexuality. Do some research and you will see bisexuality/homosexuality/transgenderism is as natural a part of life as heterosexuality. Its sad that in todays world many people still fear anyone and anything that is different to themselves.
I don’t believe in your God or your book that you claim he wrote so therefore I do not believe the things you believe and I do not live the life you tragically attempt to enforce upon people.
Live and let live. Peace.

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